Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Poster to encourage cycling in Dublin

Dublin can be heaven
With coffee at eleven
And a stroll round Stephen's Green
Grafton Street's a wonderland
There's music in the air
You're a king and the lady's a queen -

Perhaps I should have included the lady on her bike . . .

Friday, March 18, 2011

A couple of birds

Here is a picture I did of a pair of bullfinches that came to our birdfeeder.  The male looked like a gangster with dark glasses on. . .

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Some illustrations for a children's story

The assigment was to do a series of five illustrations suitable for children or young people.  I did a sequence 
of five pictures to illustrate a story for small children (a moral story about how less is more, or more can be less, anyway)

"Boy in desperate need of teddy
bears.   Do you have any
teddy bears to spare?"
"It's not fair - she has two
bears and I only have one!!


"I'm not actually sure I
want quite so many"
"This is the only bear I
really want . . ."

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Some representational pieces

These are some paintings I made of the University Church in St Stephen's Green in Dublin.  It is a nineteenth century church, in the Byzantine style; the walls are panelled with marble of many colours and there is a mass of carved detail.  The effect is very dramatic.